Curt von Euler conducted pioneering work on the central control of motor
systems, brain mechanisms of thermoregulation, and on neural systems
that control respiration.Prof.Curt von Euhler was also the son of Hans von Euhler (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry) and half brother of Ulf von Euhler ( Nobel Laureate of Physiology).
His greatest works were on.the presence, properties, and functional roles of intercostal muscle spindles during spontaneous breathing, with and without intact gamma efferents, and to record impulse activity in the gamma fibers innervating the intercostal muscle spindles.
systems, brain mechanisms of thermoregulation, and on neural systems
that control respiration.Prof.Curt von Euhler was also the son of Hans von Euhler (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry) and half brother of Ulf von Euhler ( Nobel Laureate of Physiology).
His greatest works were on.the presence, properties, and functional roles of intercostal muscle spindles during spontaneous breathing, with and without intact gamma efferents, and to record impulse activity in the gamma fibers innervating the intercostal muscle spindles.