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Vijayapura, Karnataka, India
Kusal K Das-Professor of Physiology, BLDE University, Vijayapura, is having 28 years of teaching/research experiences in University and medical schools in India and abroad..He is a Visiting Professor of University of Leeds. Prof. Das’s ‘Laboratory of Vascular Physiology & Medicine’ at BLDE University, Bijapur works on understanding of vascular diseases through their complex mechanisms. His works devoted to shape vascular integrity and find out some innovative approaches which may improve the quality of human life or sufferings. His greatest contribution in science to invent a new method of serum vitamin E estimation. Prof.CNR Rao Committee of Government of Karnataka selected him for prestigious “Dr.Raja Ramanna State Scientist Award 2013”. Institute of Pulmonary and Pathology,Zubieta University, La Paz, Bolivia has conferred Prof.Das with 'Science, Honor & Truth Medal" on October 10, 2016

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Professor Dewan Majid - An Outstanding Physiologist, An Inspiration for Generations !

Professor Dewan S.A. Majid, MD; PhD

Dewan S. A. Majid is currently Professor of Physiology &  Director, Mouse Phenotype Core, Hypertension & Renal Center of Excellence, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans,USA. His  laboratory  mainly focused on the elucidation of the intrarenal mechanisms regulating renal hemodynamics and renal function. Current studies in his laboratory have been carried out to examine the hypothesis that ‘Salt-sensitive hypertension develops due to enhanced oxidative stress resulting from an imbalance between intrarenal nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide (O2-) which are regulated reciprocally in the kidney.’. This hypothesis is being tested in a series of experimental studies assessing such interactions between NO and O2- in an integrated approach involving acute and chronic experiments in gene targeted mice (Knockout mice for NOS, NADPH oxidase enzymes) as well as in rats evaluating systemic blood pressure and renal responses to various agents such as AngII, NO inhibitors and O2- scavengers etc. Professor Majid is one of the world leading renal scientists who has immensely contributed in the area of hypertension and renal hemodynamics. 
For his exemplary research on renal biology he was conferred "Prof.S.C.Mahalanabish Memorial Oration 2003" by The Physiological Society of India.  
A thorough gentleman, outstanding researcher and a physician Professor Dewan Majid inspires generations especially from researchers of India, Bangladesh etc. BLDE University is really honored to have him as Principal Research Collaborator on behalf of Tulane University with Laboratory of Vascular Physiology & Medicine of BLDE University.