David J.Beech- University of Leeds |
Professor David J. Beech : Professor and Head of The Division of Cardiovascular & Diabetes, Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds,UK.
Dr.Beech and his team discovered the gene that gives instructions to a protein which forms channels that open in response to mechanical strain from blood flow, allowing tiny electrical charges to enter cells and trigger the changes needed for new vessels to be built. .This blood vessel-creating gene that could be used to combat cancer, heart disease and strokes has been identified as Piezo1. This gene provides the instructions for sensors that tell the body that blood is flowing correctly and gives the signal to form new vessel structures.Prof.Beech was in Presidency College, Kolkata last year and I was in Leeds that time. I have tried to bring him during last year Annual Physiological Society Conference at University of Calcutta but it could cot materialize. I am sure that he will visit soon here :)