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Vijayapura, Karnataka, India
Kusal K Das-Professor of Physiology, BLDE University, Vijayapura, is having 28 years of teaching/research experiences in University and medical schools in India and abroad..He is a Visiting Professor of University of Leeds. Prof. Das’s ‘Laboratory of Vascular Physiology & Medicine’ at BLDE University, Bijapur works on understanding of vascular diseases through their complex mechanisms. His works devoted to shape vascular integrity and find out some innovative approaches which may improve the quality of human life or sufferings. His greatest contribution in science to invent a new method of serum vitamin E estimation. Prof.CNR Rao Committee of Government of Karnataka selected him for prestigious “Dr.Raja Ramanna State Scientist Award 2013”. Institute of Pulmonary and Pathology,Zubieta University, La Paz, Bolivia has conferred Prof.Das with 'Science, Honor & Truth Medal" on October 10, 2016

Sunday 24 July 2016

Prof. Nanduri R. Prabhakar- An Indian Legend in Medicine.

Nanduri R. Prabhakar, DSc is a leading authority in the field of O2 sensing and physiological consequences of chronic hypoxia. Prof. Prabhakar identified novel signalling pathways and molecular mechanisms underlined the morbidity associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia. His work on HIF-1 deficiency and  impairment of carotid body - mediated cardio-respiratory responses during chronic intermittent hypoxia has changed our understanding on hypoxia. His research enlightened us on systemic, cellular and molecular mechanism of chemoreflex mediated sympatho excitation during chronic intermittent hypoxia. 
Professor Prabhakar currently is a Professor and Director of Medicine, University of Chicago, USA. A "Julius Comroe Oration Awardee" of American Physiological Society. Prof. Prabhakar also received "Prof. S.C Mahalanabish Memorial Oration Award of The Physiological Society of India". He is the System Biology Adviser of "BLDE   University Journal of Health Sciences" .

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